Friday, October 14, 2011


Although the bed, at first, seemed to provide the comfort needed for a great nights sleep, I somehow managed to find myself waking up multiple times throughout the night/early morning to find a more "sleepable" position. (that's for you Ronni) Perhaps it's because of the fact that the bed is foreign to me. After all, I'm in a hotel I've never been in, in a state I've never been in, roughly 1000 miles from home.

The day before my brothers wedding has been full of adventure, danger, laughter, excitement, true love, almost like "The Princess Bride". After waking up in this Oregoni hotel, my sister comes up with this amazing idea to go geocaching (If you haven't heard of geocaching, it is simply a scavenger hunt that anyone in the world can participate in. You simply search for the coordinates provided by the person who hid the item [we used an app on my brothers phone to search the "coords"]. The item generally contains a logbook to write your name, the date found, and maybe a message or leave an item behind). Luckily for us, the closest geaocache was hidden in our very hotel parking lot! We followed the next coordinates and found 2 more just down the road. One of the hidden very cleverly in an old hollowed out branch that had been Macguyver'ed with an end that swivels open. And we never found that 4th one.

After that we had lunch and got lost looking for some stores in Portland. One of the biggest drags about Oregon is that U-turns are illegal unless permitted by a sign. But my Mom quickly found the loophole that there ain't no law against Y-turns! Not that it helped very much. We never got to Powell's books, the bookstore my mom had been going on and on about in place of my sister since I arrived at the airport. Perhaps tomorrow.

When we finally decided to abandon that futile search we headed home and got ready for the pre-wedding dinner. We walked the 40 yards to Stanfords and met up with the brides family. The meal was pretty tasty so I was ready for dessert. I should have known something wouldn't taste quite the way it should, and sure enough, the dessert was a let-down, but that's ok, because my superstitious mother says that each and every problem today, will ensure a smoother result for the wedding tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

We walked back to the hotel and I spent the evening reuniting with the family members I hadn't happened to sit near during the dinner. I did bring UNO for our family to enjoy, but I don't know if anyone heard me mention that....... perhaps tomorrow.

Perhaps the bed will go easier on me tonight, now that we're better acquainted.



  1. ... and it did (the bed) (just in case, somebody was wondering)

  2. You brought UNO? Why didn't you say something?
